I think all happiness in a day is, that feeling when you are living with your average life. Doing household duties or homework, working or playing, having rest, communicating with your friends, etc. When you feel life and you wake up alive it’s already happiness, because you can see your friends, parents or that one who you love. I know that many other people think that it isn’t happiness. May be they think happiness in a day must be something extraordinary, not usual or other, but I know that it can be only a day that you just live as the other days. I am sure you know that one day is 24 hours which are 1440 minutes which are 86400 seconds. When you count to 86400 a day passes. It’s unbelievable. Don’t you think? Its is really enormous number. Try to count till 60. If you did, you will know how long it will be counting till 86400. Now you how much it is, 86400 seconds. Every day you live 86400 seconds, and every day to have so much time to do what you like.
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